The DAAD Scholarship for 2023: How to Apply and What You Need to Know

The DAAD scholarship is a highly competitive, fully-funded scholarship program that provides students with the opportunity to study in Germany. The application process is extensive, but this guide will provide you with all the information you need to know in order to apply. Keep reading to learn more about the Germany DAAD scholarship for 2023-2024.

The DAAD Scholarship for 2023: How to Apply and What You Need to Know

DAAD stands for Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst, and it’s the largest organization providing funding to students who want to study in Germany, as well as teachers and researchers who want to come to Germany. The DAAD scholarship application process can be complicated, so in this guide, we’ll be looking at what you need to know about the application requirements, how to apply and where to apply, so you don’t miss any deadlines or make any mistakes that could affect your chances of winning funding. Let’s get started!

What Is the DAAD Scholarship?

The DAAD scholarship is a fully-funded scholarship for international students to study in Germany. The scholarship covers all expenses including tuition, travel, health insurance, and a monthly stipend. Students can apply for the scholarship after they have been accepted into a German university.

The application process is competitive, but students with strong grades and a demonstrated commitment to their studies are typically successful. For example, if you’ve studied at least two years of German before applying, you will be considered more highly qualified than someone who has not. Applicants must submit a transcript from an internationally recognized institution as well as proof of language proficiency.

Who Is Eligible for This Scholarship?

The DAAD scholarship is available for students who are looking to study in Germany. To be eligible, you must be a full-time student at a college or university. You must also have a 3.0 GPA or higher. Additionally, you must be a citizen of the United States or Canada. Finally, you must be between the ages of 18 and 24.
What Is the Application Process Like? (seven sentences): The application process for the DAAD scholarship is relatively simple.

Do I Qualify For This Scholarship?

To qualify for the DAAD scholarship, you must be enrolled in a degree program at a university in Germany. You must also have a strong academic record and be proficient in German. In addition, you must demonstrate financial need. If you meet all of these criteria, you can begin the application process.
What Is the Application Process? (six sentences): The first step in applying for the DAAD scholarship is to fill out an online application form. Once submitted, it will take two to three weeks for your application to be processed.
If you are selected as a finalist, you will then be invited to participate in an interview with two members of the DAAD selection committee.
Finally, if selected as one of the scholars chosen by the selection committee, you will receive notification and instructions on how to accept or decline your award.

How To Apply For This Scholarship?

The DAAD scholarship is a great opportunity for students who want to study in Germany. The application process is simple and straightforward, and the scholarship covers all expenses. Here's what you need to know about the DAAD scholarship for 2023-2024:
To apply for the DAAD scholarship, you'll need to fill out an online application form. The form asks for basic personal information, as well as your educational history and German language proficiency.
If you are interested in applying for the DAAD Scholarship for 2023, you can find more information on the DAAD website. The application process is relatively simple and straightforward, but it is important to make sure that you meet all of the eligibility requirements before applying. The scholarship is highly competitive, so be sure to put your best foot forward! If you are selected as a recipient, you will be fully funded for your studies in Germany. Good luck!

DAAD Scholarship 2023 Summary

Level of Study: Doctoral (PhD) / Masters
Institution: DAAD
Study in: Germany
Courses Offered:
Economic Sciences, Law
Agricultural and Forest Sciences
Art, Design
Engineering and Natural Sciences
Humanities and Social Sciences
Language and Cultural Studies
Mathematics, Natural Sciences
Medicine, Health Sciences
You can also see the complete list of available Postgraduate Courses.
Program Period: Between 12 and 36 months depending on the length of the chosen study program.
DAAD Scholarship Deadline: Depending on chosen study program; please check the deadlines here.

DAAD Scholarship Coverage

DAAD Scholarship 2023 for Masters and Ph.D. Germany provides the recipient with the following benefits:

Depending on the academic level, monthly payments of 861 euros for graduates or 1,200 euros for doctoral candidates.
Travel allowance, unless these expenses are covered by the home country or another source of funding
Payments towards health, accident, and personal liability insurance cover.
One-off study allowance.
Under certain circumstances, scholarship holders may receive the following additional benefits:

Monthly rent subsidy.
Contribution towards tuition fees that may be charged by the university (max. € 500.- per semester).

Required Documents for DAAD Scholarship:

Signed DAAD application form with the current date
Personally signed CV (please use the sample Europass form at with the current date
Personally signed Letter of Motivation (with reference to current occupation and choice of postgraduate program (s), two pages maximum) with the current date.
IMPORTANT: When applying for more than one postgraduate course (maximum 3 courses), you have to submit one motivation letter explaining why you are applying for these specific courses and why you chose that priority.

Letter of recommendation from your current employer; the letter must have letterhead, a signature, and an official stamp and must be of the current date (not in a sealed envelope)
Certificate(s) of Employment from the employer(s) that prove a minimum of two years of relevant working experience (after the bachelor's degree) at the time of application and if possible, a guarantee of re-employment from your current employer upon returning home.
Proof of Language Skills:

English – IELTS or TOEFL (Note: The institutional TOEFL is not accepted)
German – Required for courses taught in German
Copies of Academic Degrees (certified translation if necessary)
Copies of Academic Transcripts, incl. grading scale (certified translation if necessary)
Applicants from the People’s Republic of China are asked to submit an APS Certificate with their application documents.
Note: Some courses may require additional documents. For detailed information, please see the relevant course description in the Brochure and on the respective websites. The complete applications have to be submitted in English or German to be considered.

Where Can I Find More Information About This Opportunity?

In Additional DAAD scholarships allow individuals from other countries who want to study in Germany or Austria to obtain a fully-funded study abroad experience. but if accepted, recipients will be reimbursed with tuition fees, monthly stipends for living expenses, and support for travel costs related to visa acquisition. You must apply by January 1st, 2023 in order to qualify; otherwise, you may still receive an offer from DAAD after this date.

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